WebAsyst Announces New CSS Interface

Released on = November 19, 2006, 11:01 pm

Press Release Author = WebAsyst LLC

Industry = Software

Press Release Summary = WebAsyst LLC announces a major upgrade affecting all
applications of WebAsyst Suite, which will now have redesigned user interface that
is 100% CSS-based plus a new "Look & Feel" option to choose.

Press Release Body = (WebAsyst LLC, Wilmington, DE, USA) WebAsyst LLC announces a
major upgrade that affects all applications of WebAsyst Suite, its family of
web-based collaborative software products (http://www.webasyst.net). The company
developers have redesigned the WebAsyst user interface, which is now 100% CSS-based.

The underlying mechanism of the updated interface is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
This allows WebAsyst users to separate presentation from structure and behavior, and
makes user interface elements less code-dependent. This approach is becoming more
popular in web applications design as it is more efficient, and yields easier and
faster ways to create new interface elements like color themes and layout

With this upgrade WebAsyst customers will also receive a new "Look & Feel" interface
option called "Garden" - the name was chosen to reflect its light green palette and
shades of garden-like colors. This new "Look & Feel" update also gives a choice of
main WebAsyst window layout - it can now be displayed either at the top of the
browser or on the left.

Asked about WebAsyst's decision to introduce changes to the current interface
design, Vladimir N. Tuporshin, Managing Director replied: "With this upgrade
WebAsyst customers not only get more user-friendly and better looking interface but
the chance to create their own themes with ease. There are now only two files that
need to be modified for making a new theme, and any customers with basic knowledge
of HTML and CSS will be able to redesign their individual WebAsyst interface."

For more information and a free trial of WebAsyst products, please visit

Communicate. Collaborate. Succeed.
�WebAsyst LLC 2006

Web Site = http://www.webasyst.net

Contact Details = Alexander Vasyov
Marketing Director
WebAsyst LLC
PO Box 25331
Wilmington, DE 19899 USA
e-mail: publicrelations@webasyst.net

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